如今我们所常见的JPG图片,是一堆像素点的集合。如果我们将每个像素看作一个独立的个体,那么这些像素点其实有多种排列的可能性。对于一张在网络传播的照片来说,这种排列其实是一个天文数字。 在这无数种结果之中,恰好有一种是我们所看到的模样,这相对于所有排列组合的可能性而言,是巧合中的巧合。而绝大多数的可能性,都是杂乱无章的。 如果我们相信多重宇宙的话,那这些像素点的排布在我们这个世界里是这个样子。那在另一个平行时空中,或者说,在梦里,它或许只是一堆杂乱无章的像素,我们认为它毫无意义。但是,其实这种荒谬才是这些像素在它所有排布里最常见的状态,杂乱才是它本身的意义。
当我们将数码照片拆解为像素之后,我们到底应该如何去评判与理解。又或者,我们的不理解,只是出于我们自身的狭隘。 我选取了八位评委的八张照片,以及我自己的一张照片,用程序读取了每张照片的每个像素并进行随机重新排列,得到了这样一组图片。它展示了在数码时代照片的某一种可能性,这种可能性是趋同于杂乱的,不管它以前是一张被赞誉的大片,还是一张默默无闻的随手拍。
图4,01,Burning Man 2013,1/2160000!的可能性,1800*1200
图5,Severus Cheldon(陈川端),untitled,1/2996224!的可能性,2048*1463
图9,我自己,Another Self,1/1000000!的可能性,1000*1000
图4,01,Burning Man 2013,1/2160000!的可能性,1800*1200
图5,Severus Cheldon(陈川端),untitled,1/2996224!的可能性,2048*1463
图9,我自己,Another Self,1/1000000!的可能性,1000*1000
在投稿要求中写道:“照片要求为9张-16张为一组的摄影作品, 需配有不少于200字的艺术家自述 (Artist Statement),内容必须以严肃的方式呈现,幽默却不失优雅,荒诞却看似很有道理,在艺术的语境里一本正经的“胡说八道”。”
我用这组作品参加了这个比赛,并获得了“特等艺术家”奖,奖品包含“价值190000元艺术作品一幅(带艺术家签名,EDITION 1 OF 3)”。在收到奖品后,我将该“价值190000元艺术作品”在成都半山·林画廊的公开征集展中展出,作为此次参赛行为以及这个作品的一部分。
(Translated by DeepL)
One of These Possibilities
The JPG images that we commonly see today are a collection of pixel dots. If we consider each pixel as an individual, then there are actually many possibilities for the arrangement of these pixel points. For a photo distributed on the web, this arrangement is actually an astronomical number. Among these countless outcomes, there is exactly one that looks like what we see, which is the coincidence of coincidences relative to all the possibilities of permutations. The vast majority of possibilities, on the other hand, are haphazard. If we believe in the multiverse, then the arrangement of these pixel dots looks like this in our world. Then in another parallel time, or rather, in a dream, it might just be a jumbled pile of pixels that we think are meaningless. But in fact, this absurdity is the most common state of these pixels in all its arrangements, and the clutter is its own meaning.
When we break down a digital photo into pixels, how exactly should we judge and understand it? Or maybe our lack of understanding is simply due to our own narrow-mindedness. I selected eight photos from eight judges and one photo of my own, and used a program to read every pixel of each photo and rearrange them randomly to get this set of images. It shows a certain possibility of a photograph in the digital age, a possibility that tends to be cluttered, whether it was previously an acclaimed blockbuster or an obscure casual shot.
Figure 1,Thomas看看世界,格陵兰的冬天,1/2797568!,2048*1366
Figure 2,抄袭菌,头像,1/3145728!,2048*1536
Figure 3,木西AlexanDENG,纳米比亚死亡谷,1/2861056!,2048*1397
Figure 4,01,Burning Man 2013,1/2160000!,1800*1200
Figure 5,Severus Cheldon(陈川端),untitled,1/2996224!,2048*1463
Figure 6,梁东来,一张10年前的照片,1/348480!,720*484
Figure 7,摄你妹,拍个月亮(含微博水印),1/9000000!,3000*3000
Figure 8,宁思潇潇,微博置顶头图,1/562000!,1000*562
Figure 9,我自己,Another Self,1/1000000!,1000*1000
Figure 2,抄袭菌,头像,1/3145728!,2048*1536
Figure 3,木西AlexanDENG,纳米比亚死亡谷,1/2861056!,2048*1397
Figure 4,01,Burning Man 2013,1/2160000!,1800*1200
Figure 5,Severus Cheldon(陈川端),untitled,1/2996224!,2048*1463
Figure 6,梁东来,一张10年前的照片,1/348480!,720*484
Figure 7,摄你妹,拍个月亮(含微博水印),1/9000000!,3000*3000
Figure 8,宁思潇潇,微博置顶头图,1/562000!,1000*562
Figure 9,我自己,Another Self,1/1000000!,1000*1000
All original images are copyrighted by the original author and this page is for conceptual display purposes only. For exhibition, commercial use, etc. you need to contact the original author for authorization. All works are of variable size and pixel count.
The above is a statement of the original work.
From April to June of this year, several Chinese photographers who were famous on internet launched a contest called "Top Gun Photo Contest". The link to the contest is https://500px.com.cn/contest/TOPGUNPHOTOCONTEST
In the introduction to the contest, it says: "Have you noticed that the winners of today's major photography awards don't know what they are? Do you find these works incomprehensible in relation to the artist's descriptions provided by their authors? Don't doubt it, you're not alone. Deliberately artistic for the sake of appearing artistic, putting the cart before the horse in a hurry, shouting artistic slogans for fish eyes, the art we love has turned sour."
In the submission requirements, it is written, "Photographs are required to be in groups of 9-16 photographs, with an Artist Statement of at least 200 words, the content must be presented in a serious way, humorous but elegant, absurd but seemingly very reasonable, in the context of art a serious "Nonsense."
I entered the contest with this set of works and won the "Grand Artist" prize, which included "a piece of art worth 190,000 RMB (signed by the artist, EDITION 1 OF 3)." After receiving the prize, I exhibited the "art work worth 190,000 RMB" in an open call exhibition at the Mid-Levels Gallery in Chengdu as part of this entry and this work.
Pictures and videos of the exhibition can be found at the end. (To be updated)